About Willnata

Our Story

Willnata means Strength in Flexibility and that’s what we offer. We have the strength and flexibility to get any job done! Our founder Bill Senese is a jack of all trades who has found success in every area he’s ever ventured. An account manager by trade, he’s the author of The Book on That: B2B Account Management where he outlines everything you’d need to know to become a successful account manager. He’s also the author of the Time Healers series which follows Bob and Kelly Telini and their adventures through time. Bill learned how to be a publisher so he could publish both books and has turned The Book on That into a template others can use to write about whatever they know best. Bill also trains and coaches aspiring Account Managers, hosts a web show on Account Management, and offers publishing service to other authors.

What We Do

Published Material: Willnata published novels, self-help books, and more!

1 on 1 Training and Coaching: Want to learn more about writing, publishing, or Account Management? We offer 1 on 1 training and coaching!

On-Demand e-learning: Want to learn on your own time? Check out our on-demand e-learning courses.

Publishing Services: Have you written a book but don’t want to self-publish? Willnata can help you publish your book!

Templates: Do you know a lot about something and want to write a book on it but don’t know where to start? We have templates you can use to simplify the process!

Want to work with us? Contact us and we’ll be happy to discuss how Willnata can help you achieve your goals!

Willnata LLC

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